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To see a South Africa that has an open mind set in terms of the positives of commitment to education and the results of sacrifice with the goal of reaching new heights, being reflected through the young minds of students from the different cultural backgrounds, into South African communities.



Our mission is to ensure that students have the best alternative when it comes to off-campus accommodation, by offering them the best living quality, academic environment, security and service that money can buy. We will assist our students to complete their studies in the required amount of time by introducing academic structures, (e.g. a study room, a computer lab, tutors and motivational speakers,) that will generate the right attitude and determination towards academics while satisfying their accommodation needs.

Accommodation - Creating a home away from come without the compromise of commitment to education.

Commitment - Applying ourselves in all we do knowing that sacrifice is the rocky but fruitful route to success.

Ability - Developing individual abilities so that we can all grow and learn from each other.

Discipline - To work in an orderly and obedient manner towards academics, in order to reach our goals.

Education - To not only appreciate the constitutional right to education, but to acknowledge that education is                                          the key that unlocks the doors to success.

Motivation - Introducing ways that gives students the extra push and drive that will lead to new positive                                                   discoveries about their potential.

Individualism - To continue to emphasize the moral worth of each student and to groom them into solid young                                               adults with open minds.

Community - To direct our common values as an academic driven community(accommodation) towards                                                      reaching our goals.

Our Values.

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