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Study Room

We at Ludidi House for Students find it to be essential that students have an area where they can all be productive at any time of the day without disturbances from any other students because the room will be noise regulated. The study rooms will have tables and chairs for each of the students that reside in the premises to allow them to focus only on their work. The study room will also have a vending machine that will allow the students to get refreshments while studying.

 The service we offer at Ludidi House for student is a student accommodation service that is academically driven. What sets Ludidi House for Student apart from your “average” student house it the new and cutting edge student life style we promote, that allows our students to have a kind of balance that does not take away from academics.

The student part of “student accommodation” we have singled out to be the drive of our accommodation. The level of educational progression and thrive among first years has gradually decreased and because of this, I have developed a system that will not only work but will change the face of off-campus student accommodation.

As the first private student accommodation to have a study room, a computer lab, motivational speakers, tutors, a transport system, solar panels, laundry room and extensive security, we will set the standard for quality student accommodation. The normal services such as the gardening service, cleaners, a laundry room and DStv will also be available.

The features that we boast are those that push and motivate educational excellence in a conducive and yet fun environment. Research has shown that this type of accommodation is in need in South Africa. We are focusing on attending to the female youth (first years) as our first targets and in the future will start the same programme and service for males.

Computer Lab with internet

Research and surveys have shown that not all students have access to computers or even own one, which makes it difficult for them to do assignments and research for their respective courses. Students have also fallen victim to muggings because of having to stay on campus till late doing assignments in computer labs on campuses. Introducing a computer lab facility will give the students of LH4S a peace of mind, because they can do their assignments, research, print, fax in the comfort of their own residence. We aim to have at least 10 computers that will assist the students in their school work.

Motivational Speaker

During my time as a student, I realized that as students there comes a time when we need motivation to lift spirits and increase our productivity. This type of motivation will come at a time when students need it the most, before exam time. June and November will be the time the motivational speakers will come to our residence and motivate our students so they are equipped and ready to face the coming tasks.


Not understanding what is being taught and what you need to study happen a lot to students and therefore find themselves lost and unable to push on further. It is essential that the students and Ludidi House for Students management have a good working relationship. Students will be provided with a list where they will indicate the problematic course and tutors will be approached to give assistance in that particular course.

A transport system

At Ludidi House for Students, we take education very seriously, and that includes punctuality. Students these days find themselves in the worst positions, where they spend almost 30% of their time waiting for taxis and other modes of transport to get them to school. The introduction of this transport system will ensure that our students get to school on time, are picked up from CAMPUS and taken back to the student house.

Solar Panels

 Reality tells us that it is impossible to know when electricity cuts and load shedding will happen. Unfortunately, these are also the factors that contribute to the students not getting to study. A simple scenario, imagine the students are writing an exam the next day and that night, while studying the electricity cuts, or load shedding is experienced. This will simply mean that the students will not be adequately prepared for the examination. Therefore it is very important that we have a backup structure in place to avoid such events and focus on more important academic tasks at hand.

Extensive Security

Student houses are very easy targets for criminals, because the criminals know only students occupy the premises. Ludidi House for Students is as serious about security as it is about education. The noticeable characteristics of our security will be the surveillance cameras, an electric fence, the electric gate, high walls and a biometric system controlling access. 

Laundry Facilities & Cleaning Services

Washing machines where laundry can be done by the students will also be available. Cleaning services will be provided in order to ensure that the environment is neat and tidy at all times. This will allow for the students to focus their time on studying. 

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